MUNCHKIN PLAYERS HANDBOOK ''Bonnie and Clyde. Matches and gasoline. Famine and plague. And now . . . Munchkin and d20! Munchkin brought you the essence of roleplaying. Kill them all and take their stuff! Now the Kneepads of Allure, the Ancient Enraged Plutonium Dragon, the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment, and the Half-Elf Half-Dwarf Super Munchkin Cleric-Thief with the Chicken On His Head have flown off the cards . . . and right into your d20 game! If you play d20 . . . this 48-page hardback book shows how it should be played. If you don't play d20, feel free to inflict munchkinism on some other system. Munchkin RPG will jazz up your sessions as your characters rocket up in power! This book includes munchkin classes, races, spells, and tips and techniques designed to terrify even a hardened GM! This is d20 the way it SHOULD be played. Munchkin out! Hardcover, 48 pages.''
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